Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (línea 175 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (línea 391 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (línea 175 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (línea 391 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (línea 175 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (línea 391 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (línea 175 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! en DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (línea 391 de /var/www/html/sigecon/includes/entity.inc).